Zoning latex or whatever
Mar 18, 2009 11:12 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Has anyone tried making zoning layers themselves? Jim has but hasn't posted lately. I have firm latex and soft latex, and memory foam, and Brylane 1" topper. I am trying to figure out how to make a queen size 60x80 with twin size latex layers, when I cut them in half they will be 20" wide. So I will have to use 4 zones, and I will have to be able to get the zones at the shoulder and hip area correct. I am 5'11", and 160 lbs. (how embarassing) so I need firm at the hip, but yet I also need soft for pressure points. The shoulders will obviously be either memory foam and/or soft latex.

Thanks for any input, or past experience information. :-)
Re: Zoning latex or whatever
Reply #1 Mar 19, 2009 6:39 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Guess nobody has got this desperate to cut up their foam huh? Jim did, but apparently didn't work for him. hmmmm......
Re: Zoning latex or whatever
Reply #2 Mar 19, 2009 9:35 PM
Location: Vancouver, WA
Joined: Feb 9, 2009
Points: 21
I want to find 2" and 3" zoned latex toppers but all the old links are dead, foamsource doesnt carry zoned toppers anymore, or at least they are not listed properly on the website.

I'm a little scared of cutting them into rectangles and wanted simple zones like 24-28-24 using cut hole variation instead of slices.

I know this would take a special mold for full sheet hole zoning, with smaller holes at the hip section.

I just can't find anything online except zoned slices (like flowbeds zoning), although I "KNOW" zoned non-sliced toppers exist because of references, dead links and one overpriced ($800 for 4") natural zoned topper, also overstocks zoned topper thats still listed on the web.

This message was modified Mar 19, 2009 by Phalse
Re: Zoning latex or whatever
Reply #3 Mar 20, 2009 11:33 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
That is the problem, the zoning piece from Flobeds is very pricey. As are most of the others. I read on the old forum about purchased zoning pieces, and the problem is we are all different lengths and all have different weight, so your hips might not match with the zone you want it too. That is why I want to make my own, and because of the high cost of premade ones. Also, I wouldn't order latex from O-stock anymore, as they are not consistent and are irregular.
This message was modified Mar 20, 2009 by Leo3

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