Zoning latex or whatever
Mar 18, 2009 11:12 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Has anyone tried making zoning layers themselves? Jim has but hasn't posted lately. I have firm latex and soft latex, and memory foam, and Brylane 1" topper. I am trying to figure out how to make a queen size 60x80 with twin size latex layers, when I cut them in half they will be 20" wide. So I will have to use 4 zones, and I will have to be able to get the zones at the shoulder and hip area correct. I am 5'11", and 160 lbs. (how embarassing) so I need firm at the hip, but yet I also need soft for pressure points. The shoulders will obviously be either memory foam and/or soft latex.

Thanks for any input, or past experience information. :-)

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