Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Feb 11, 2010 10:43 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I thought I FINALLY had my mattress problems solved. My mattress was PERFECT for the first 2 weeks...
Then, about 3 nights ago it started to hurt a little.
I figured it was just ME... (though I had not done a lot of work - I did a lot of back work the previous days and slept great through those days...

But now for the past 3 nights I have had substantial back pain when sleeping. Not as much as before the new latex layer, but enough to make the last few hours of sleep a bit painful.

So did the latex "break in" in 2 weeks and is now too soft for me? Or what?

Or did the back work I did the previous week take a week to catch up to me?

I think I might have to change my configuration after thinking I had it perfect...

I am very discouraged by this. I REALLY thought I had it right, finally; I had great comfort for 2 weeks!
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #3 Feb 12, 2010 7:22 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
One added thought.  I still think you should stick with it for a while, but at some point maybe try it without the 1/2" firm foam.  Maybe you will have to try without your wool topper as well.  
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #4 Feb 12, 2010 8:38 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
I had similar experience today, sleeping on Costco latex bed without the 3 inch foam as it was too soft, and still not comfortable, not completely

one inch sensus coming in today, try that next

key for me is my bed is from costco and i can return anytime, 90 days or 2 yrs...they dont scrutinize returns until they are over 2 yrs old, they will then usually do it, i guess
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #5 Feb 12, 2010 9:13 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I feel your pain Jim.  I changed my mattress again too.  I thought I had it right until I wake up a few hours later with my hips hurting.  I am going to stick with it and not change it; because your body has to adjust if we give it time.  I think their is no magic combination for me.  It seems like I have tried everything as you have.

I am not sure if latex really changes, I think it is our bodies that are changing and they are ever trying to adjust to us swapping out layers in our mattresses

Though I am considering tossing out the whole bed and doing what you gave up with ALL LATEX.  I am convinced my springs don't spring!  I do have my Sealy Trufoam (or whatever it was called) foundation that had the foam and memory foam mattress over it.  That sure work right?  Build my own latex bed.  I have 5 1/2" latex now, how much more do I need if I am 160-165 lbs, 5 10" in order not to bottom out?  Did someone say 9"?  I think I may get samples of 44ILD for the base.

Any suggestions?

I still think Jim your wool may aggravate your situation.  Are you sure it isn't stopping your back from getting the support it needs under the small of the back?  Amazingly my back hasn't been hurting with 5 1/2" of latex.  Gasp I now that sounds like a lot, but as I said my springs do not give.  What I want to know is why does the hips (side sleeping) feel no pain and comfortable when I initially lay on it, then hours later, pain city.
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #6 Feb 12, 2010 3:20 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Thanks for the replies. I feel very sheepish, posting how great my mattress was, and then having back pain from it. But I thought since latex doesn't break down and it felt GREAT for 2 weeks, that I was "in the clear". Or who knows, maybe it's that bottom layer of 1/2" HR foam that has broken down? I could remove that... but then I think that might really throw off everything... unless I could replace it with 1/2" of very firm latex... or even 1"... which I don't have.

I could try the 1 and 3/4" dunlop on the bottom but again, that seems like a drastic change...

I have now had varying degrees of back pain for 4 nights and while it's not AS bad as it was before buying the new latex layer, it is definitely not good. Is it just my back? I don't really think it is. My back has hardly been hurting at all during the day, maybe a tiny bit but not much, but then my back starts to hurt after laying in bed for about 4-6 hours. So to me, that means it's the mattress. I could be wrong, mind you, but I think it is.

I think tonight I will try it without the wool topper. That dang wool topper has screwed me up before! I LOVE the feel of it! But maybe the difference between the latex breaking in 5% or whatever, is now making the wool topper more noticeable, as that extra 1/2 of non-supportive material (the wool) is now bothering me. I'll take the topper off for tonight!

I can't tell you how bummed out I am about this! I really truly thought I could just sleep well and be happy about it for at least a year or so...
This message was modified Feb 12, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #7 Feb 12, 2010 7:26 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Jim, it is also possible that only by laying down for an extended period you can feel the strain that has  occured in your back.  I did some gardening yesterday,  with a lot of bending and moving stuff.  My back did not really feel sore yesterday, but it was a bit sore this morning when I woke up.  I doubt it was the mattress, because it was not sore the previous morning.  Most likely the combination of the work I did plus lying down for 8 hours.  Perhaps back soreness is really a cumulative thing.  If there is no strain to start, then lying down might not cause any problems.  However, if there is some strain, then lying down will aggravate it.

I am not a back expert, so this is just specualtion.  However, I have noticed this pattern in me before, so I must conclude that something happens overnight that will aggravate the back a bit if it is already a bit aggravated.  It is possible that no mattress will prevent that.  The only test really would be to try not to aggravate your back for an extended period and see if the problem persists with the same mattress combination.

This message was modified Feb 12, 2010 by sandman
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #8 Feb 13, 2010 9:09 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
I will also add that I have been installing a new 5.1 sound system in the house. Much squating down and getting back up again. To much strain for this old man. Now my hip joints are really protesting. Actually sleeping in my bed for a good eight hours I believe helps the situation somewhat. But when I get up in the morning, as Sandman indicates, I do feel stiffer for the first few minutes.

The thing I have found is to do some stretching exercises and things get somewhat better. So our physiology responding to our activity, particularly in light of the fact that we may have had some previous injuries, are the underlying factors for our pain. Our beds can compound this pain if they are not doing a good job. But many times I feel we blame our beds when in fact it is our body's and our minds becoming exercise about our pain. We humans love to blame an outside influence for our difficulties.

I will add this notation. I put back on my bed the 100% cotton cover that I acquired several weeks ago. This time it had been washed and I put it on without stretching it tightly over the mattress. It slept much better than I originally reported. So the point is there are many small factors that can contribute to a good nights sleep........ but then we all knew that..... right?
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #9 Feb 13, 2010 9:59 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Sandman, your mattress cover does affect your mattress feel.

I have been saying this and feeling this.  I am soooo sensitive, that when I make the bed if the sheets they are pulled to tight it affects the pain level of the side sleeping. That is why I use a plush blanket instead of a mattress pad; they feel like a rock (the mattress pad).

I am using jersey sheets so they stretch. But the queen size made in foreign countries are too small and pull too tight.  So I got Kingsize sheets, and they fit the bed.  Except now I have bagging, so I have to clip the sheets to the mattress and pull a bit.

I know I would feel a pea under the mattress, is that a kids nursery ryhyme I keep reading about here.  Princess and a pea?
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #10 Feb 13, 2010 3:49 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I took off the wool mattress pad last night just to see...
It seemed a little better but still I had some pain and difficulty sleeping towards morning.
I'm hanging with this for a night or two more and see if it gets better or worse before I do anything drastic like try that Dunlop piece on the bottom or try taking off a layer of latex...

I am operating on the assumption that it COULD be my back just being "out" that is causing the problem, not the latex breaking in...

But if it doesn't get better in a week or so or if it gets too much worse I'm sure I'll succumb to trying to change a layer or two...

I will try not to strain my back but that seems highly unlikely. It seems every few days or so I just HAVE to do something that strains my back. I mean, aside from putting myself in a wheel chair, there just is no real way to avoid straining one's back. Life seems to require a certain amount of reaching, stooping, lifting and bending that does strain my back.

While I am following the advice of you who think maybe it's just my back not the mattress, I have to admit I am skeptical about this theory.

But for once I'm going to follow you guys' advice instead of doing what I would do which is change a layer...
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #11 Feb 14, 2010 5:49 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
adjustable beds, like the ones that go up so you can read or watch tv

they are the answer for all of us, you can adjust so there is no pain, but the cost is nuts
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #12 Feb 15, 2010 9:47 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Saturday afternoon I took off the wool layer.
But Saturday night I continued to have pain in my back during the night and upon awakening - again, not terrible pain but "too much" in any case.
I stuck with it anyway.
Sunday night I had much less pain, though still some.

I am beginning to wonder if there is something I do or don't do different from time to time that causes this back pain or if it is the mattress?
I am suspecting that one thing might be the LaZBoy I sit in while watching movies, for example...

I'm going to start keeping a diary of my sitting and other activities that could negatively and positively impact my back and thus my sleeping, and see if there is any corralation.

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