Serta Icomfort request for advice
Apr 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Joined: Apr 10, 2011
Points: 4
Greeting mattress experts and lurkers,

I am a once-a-decade mattress buyer in need of assistance.  Can anyone provide input for the Serta Icomfort foam mattress line?  Specifically, I'm interested in the Revolution model king size.  My initial search led me towards the Tempurpdic Rhapsody.  However, many reviews suggest Tempurpedic's sleep "hotter" than spring or other foam mattresses.  My wife is furnace so I dare not bring a mattress home which amplifies that issue.  So, my next focus was the Simmons ComforPedic.  My wife laid on every model and said they were "too springy" compared to the Tempurpedic and the iComfort.  So we are down to one option right now, the iComfort.  What I'm asking for help with is advice and comparison.  The iComfort line of Serta is very, very new and this is possibly why there is no data or opinions on the internet.  My heart is not set on the Revolution for $2,000 and I am genuinely interested in hearing advice and comments even if that information leads away from iComfort completely. 


Much appreciated,

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #269 Mar 2, 2012 9:47 PM
Joined: Feb 18, 2012
Points: 6
bishoparc, do you have an update for us?   I am very close to your stats and would love to hear if its starting to soften up on you...
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #270 Jun 18, 2013 11:14 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
Just wanted to share some insight on the IComfort.  There is A LOT of questions/comments/concerns on here that I have information for, but I am sure I will miss some.  First off, there are several levels of "firmness" with the Icomfort; Prodigy ("softess"), Savant (Revolution), Genius, and Insight ("firmest")  The "firmness" level is all a matter of personal feel.  Serta just list them by construction and height as to what is supposed to be "firmer"  The Insight is listed as the "firmest" however general review is that the Genius sleeps much firmer.  The Insight is the least expensive model of Icomforts and is designed as such.  So, when testing/reviewing the Icomfort line, keep that in mind.    Memory foam is also designed to soften with heat; wether it is body heat or room temperature or whatever, so a room kept at 78 degrees will house a "softer" memory foam than one kept at 68 degrees, regardless of model.  Also, the "cooling gel" that is used in the Icomfort is designed to draw away your body heat, not give you an air-conditioned feel, so if you give off a lot of body heat, the gel will give you a cooler sleep.  However, if you do not emit much body heat, you will not feel a lot of change.  (and, any breathable mattress cover should work on the cooling memory foam beds--if it's not breathable or has layers or "toppers", no, you will not benefit from the "cool action")

The Icomforts are the #1 memory foam mattress at the moment.  They are a good bed, however, their are several models and what works for one may not work for others, so explore all models before you make a final decision!  Also, they say it takes up to 28 days before you become accustomed to a new bed, so give it time.  Find the stores that offer a 30 day comfort guarantee and take advantage of it.  You should not need 3-6months to decide if you have the right mattress, but it will take more than a few days.  And, before you purchase, take time to try the mattress out-lay on it for a while.  (it is said it takes 3-5 minutes just for the memory foam to start reacting to your body heat and begin to soften)  If need be, come back when the weather is different to see if the temperature change has changed the feel of the bed.  (or, if the sales floor is climate controlled, ask the associate what the temp is held at and mimic this when you get the mattress home)

As for price--DO YOUR RESEARCH!!  Their are a lot of different prices out there.  However, there is a "Serta Warehouse Distributor" out there that sells Serta mattresses, Icomfort included, for a very small fraction of most retail (even sale) prices!  Also, pay close attention to the "Sale" gimmicks where as the discounted price "may not reflect actual retail price" (basically meaning, they jacked up the "original" price before the knocked off the sale %)  And, know the name game!  There are several models available from Serta, however, not as many different beds as one would think!  When comparing mattresses at different stores, get the specifics---the sales associate should be able to tell you, or at the very least look up, the information on the construction on the mattress--where the layers are, what the layers are made of, etc... You will find, many have the same construction, sometimes it's just the material used in the covering that varies.   This however, does not stop stores from selling the "same" mattress at higher prices! 

I know there are more points I wanted to make, however, I can't recall any of the comments at the moment.  I'm sure you'll hear more from me soon! :)


Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #271 Jun 18, 2013 11:17 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
firehawk343 wrote:

The mattress owners' feedback is very valuable.  My wife and I both weight under 150lbs so the size/weight difference between the spouses isn't a factor for us.  I ended up purchasing the iComfort Revolution from The Great Indoors.  The standard price of $2,500 across the board is heavily enforced from what I can tell by shopping at Serta stores and online.  However, The Great Indoors took off 10% because of some special Sunday/Monday Easter deal and another 10% because I financed it through them with 18 months / no interest.  Then they threw in some rewards points stuff and knocked off another $30, included a bed frame, and are sending me a $25 gift card.  I have plenty of credit cards and cash, but since I have no outstanding balances or debt I saw this as an opportunity to increase my credit score.  Anyway, the store associates were clueless regarding beds and mattresses, but since I already knew the exact make/model I wanted it didn't really matter. 


I am concerned about the smell, but from what I can tell that will be a problem with all foam mattresses.  I'm really happy to hear about the "sleeping cooler" response.  My wife will love that...  Also, regarding the mattress cover, I'm glad to hear we shouldn't buy one.  That's another $100 I can avoid spending and the comment aligns with what the stores say:  "the closer your body is to the mattress, the more it will respond as expected."

I'll post again when it arrives and I have a chance to experience the terrible smell and the (hopefully) joyful night's sleep.

Look for the Serta Warehouse Distributor!  They sell the same quality mattress for far less.  You can get a King Icomfort for $600.  It does have cosmetic damage (plastic rips during delivery and the mattress gets dirt on it) however, you can buy a lot of sheets with the $1900+ you saved! :)

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #272 Jun 18, 2013 11:21 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
petes67bird wrote:



  My wife and I currently own the Icomfort Insight, at least until they exchange it on May 6th.  I am a bigger guy, 6'6 240lbs.  It appears after 30 days of usage, that the mattress is already losing some of its firmness.  It still goes back to the original shape, just when I sit down or lay down, it seems to be extremely soft already.  When going to my wifes side who is only 130lbs, the mattress feels brand new and is extremely comfortable.  This is bad now because when I go to sleep, my butt seems to be so far sunk in and my feet and shoulders are alot higher up.  Causes some neck soreness and back soreness.  

The Icomfort was extremely comfortable and does sleep nice and cool.  I cannot say that this is a horrible line, but we may of just gotten a defective mattress, it happens.  Now unfortunately we are stuck with choosing another type of Serta mattress as its a comfort exchange, so we went with the Vera Wang Natural Poise Super Pillow Top.  If you really like the Icomfort line, I might suggest going for the Genius as it has the 3 inch support foam and is the firmest of all the mattresses, so that way if the foam does soften up, you arent way beyond your  comfort level.

I can tell you with certainty the mattress is made by Sleep Innovations as you can see the video on Youtube if you type in serta icomfort, it says it during the video.  What I can tell you also is that the Novaform is DIFFERENT as it is not gel infused as the Icomfort is.  The Novaform has a different cool layer, not gel infused though like the Icomfort.  I can also tell you that our bed was delivered on Friday morning.  We had to have the windows open and our ceiling fan on high until Sunday night before we could even enter the room without getting sick.  The smell was off the charts, a horrible foam smell.  It has dissipated to barely noticeable now 30 days later.  Wish you all the best.

Serta does have a Sleep Innovations Memory Foam Mattress--however that is the mattress that has a layer of cooling gel ON TOP OF memory foam.  It is NOT the Icomfort.  The Icomfort has gel infused into it. (Not "flaked" in as some suggest!)  There are many different types of "cooling memory foam mattresses" out there.  But, there is also information showing you exactly what's in your mattress as well.  Makes it easy to spot the differences! 

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #273 Jun 18, 2013 11:24 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
astinia wrote:

Even if the aches and pains do go away I don't think that's enough to keep the mattress. I bought this mattress for the plushness. I saw that you mentioned that there is no "break in" time so it still won't get any softer. I could have purchased a much less expensive mattress for the same hardness of this darn iComfort. I actually bought this through JCPenney and they are willing to do an exchange at any time but are trying to get me to "stick it out" for a little longer. They can't resell used mattresses so it's money lost to them if I return it. 

The Insight is the "lower end" of the Icomfort line.  If you are wanting a "plush" memory foam, the saleman should have steered you towards the Savant (revolution) or the Prodigy.  The Insight is catorgorized as the "firmest" Icomfort mattress, and is also the thinnest of them all!  I would try and check out the other Icomfort models while you are "sticking it out". 

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #274 Jun 18, 2013 11:26 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
astinia wrote:

I just bought the icomfort Revolution (Queen size). In the store the mattress was incredibly soft and plush and that is what sold me. I received my mattress yesterday and it is hard as a rock. For $2000 I feel like this is unacceptable. Does anyone know if there is some sort of "break in" period? With this being so new I am having the hardest time finding information on it. By the way, I woke up this morning feeling very stiff after my first night on the mattress. I am only 25 so it's definitely not my age. I am stumped as to whether I should keep it or not. I hope it does get softer the more I use it. It's 2am here in Los Angeles and my second night with the iComfort and I can't sleep! I'm almost missing my ugly, old and considerably less expensive mattress. :(

Memory foam responds to temperature.  Do you keep your house cool?  If so, that can make it "hard".  Some people use heated blankets to soften up the memory foam before they go to bed.  Also, I have been told that if you walk on your bed barefoot or in socks, it will loosen up the memory foam also!  Hope this helps!

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #275 Jun 18, 2013 11:42 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
BigRon wrote:

Icomfort foam is manfuctured by Sleep Innovations. You can buy the same thing at Costco for half price under the name NovaForm. It's not a bad product for the price Costco is charging, but Serta put a different cover on it and is charging double.                                                                       I won't sit here and bash the product, just read reviews on NovaForm for peoples opinion. Hope this helps!




The Icomfort is a totally different mattress than the "Serta Sleep Innovations Memory Foam" mattress.  The Icomfort has "cool action INFUSED memory foam" where as the "Serta Sleep Innovations..." has a layer of cooling gel on top.  However, Sleep Innovations has attempted to duplicate the Icomfort with "infused" memory foam, but the reviews I have seen say they didn't succeed!

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #276 Jun 18, 2013 11:45 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2013
Points: 9
Sleepright wrote:

The bed is just very hard, like sleeping on the floor.  There is a faint smell, but I can live with that aspect.  I suspect the smell will fade away as is the case with many new products that one buys now-a-days.  I really don't want to be so harsh on my review after just one night, but I didn't think I was buying a new car with a break-in period.   A bed should be comfortable on the first night, in my eyes.  Temperature of the mattress is irrelevant.  We are in the south, bed was delivered when it was 70F outside.  I normally am a 'purchase after heavy research' type of person, but with iComfort, seemed like a rather safe bet - it is just a mattress after all, right?  Straight up new foam bed with a slight twist (gel)?  I wished I would have forked out the extra cash for a Tempur-Pedic - at least the approval ratings are in the 80% plus percentage range over many years, per most websites.  I can live with those odds.  Also, what is like contributing to our issue is the insight is just 8" thick and the firmest of all iComforts, to my understanding of the iComfort line.

The Insight is the thinnest of all the Icomforts and called "firmest".  I would assume that is why it is hard.  If you were wanting a "softer" mattress, the sales associate should have reccommended the Savant (Revolution) or Prodigy--ranging from 12"-13" for a MUCH softer feel.

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #277 Aug 13, 2013 8:18 AM
Joined: Aug 13, 2013
Points: 1
I do not think gel infused foams work. It's like wearing a thick lambswool sweater, and asking it to keep you cool. Makes no sense.

It's memory foam and it will always get hot at night (unless your room is freezing cold).The gel infusion, may stay cooler a minute longer than 100% memory foam without gel, but as your body generates heat, the foam will saturate, so will the gel particles.

end of story.


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