Serta Icomfort request for advice
Apr 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Joined: Apr 10, 2011
Points: 4
Greeting mattress experts and lurkers,

I am a once-a-decade mattress buyer in need of assistance.  Can anyone provide input for the Serta Icomfort foam mattress line?  Specifically, I'm interested in the Revolution model king size.  My initial search led me towards the Tempurpdic Rhapsody.  However, many reviews suggest Tempurpedic's sleep "hotter" than spring or other foam mattresses.  My wife is furnace so I dare not bring a mattress home which amplifies that issue.  So, my next focus was the Simmons ComforPedic.  My wife laid on every model and said they were "too springy" compared to the Tempurpedic and the iComfort.  So we are down to one option right now, the iComfort.  What I'm asking for help with is advice and comparison.  The iComfort line of Serta is very, very new and this is possibly why there is no data or opinions on the internet.  My heart is not set on the Revolution for $2,000 and I am genuinely interested in hearing advice and comments even if that information leads away from iComfort completely. 


Much appreciated,

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #96 Jun 15, 2011 10:03 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
astinia wrote:

It definitely was the Revolution. Both movers (the ones who dropped it off and the ones who picked it up) confirmed it. The packaging and tag reaffirmed it too. I had actually tested the Genius in the showroom and though it was firmer than the Revolution it was quite comfortable. This mattress was MUCH harder than the Genius mattress. I either got a "dud" or the iComfort products are inconsistent. This has been such a nightmare that I will never purchase ANYTHING that has not been around long enough for people to review and test. I will not be the guinea pig again. It's such a shame because the one in the showroom was so comfortable.

The Revolution I tried several times at Sears was also very comfortable.  I almost fell asleep in the store on it.  It sounds like you got a defective unit.  So did they take the bed away and give you another yet?


Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #97 Jun 16, 2011 1:37 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 6
HI there everyone!! I signed up for this forum so I could post my (hopefull) thoughs and experiences about the Serta Icomfort Revolution bed. I came to this forum like everyone else when I was looking for info about the Serta Icomfort beds. This really does seem to be one of the only websites with actual reviews from the public. Long story short, I have decided to take the plunge and buy this bed despite the scary reviews on here. I really don't have a choice with my situation. I live in MInnesota and kind of (impulsively) bought a Tempurpedic Classic 4 days ago. I heard and done a bunch of reviews on the bed in the past, but it is now day 4 and I am having horrible back pain that I have never had before. The store I bought from requires you to sleep on the bed for 45 days before exchanging but they are being vey nice and going to let me exchange now. The only other memory foam beds they have are the Icomfort Serta lines, so that's what I'm going with.


Now to the review about the Icomfort Revolution bed. I will be letting everyone know what I think for the next couple of weeks once I get the bed. It can't be any harder than this Tempurpedic Classic is right now!! Just something of note that my sales guy told me when I went to talk about the exchange with them today; he said that the Icomfort beds do have a break in period just like Tempurpedic. This could be total hearsay and I don't if he is right or not, so take it with a grain of salt. We shall see once I get the bed. He told me the break in period would actually be longer than the Tempurpedic Classic, but he said that even new from the factory, this bed would be softer than a Tempurpedic Classic. He could be wrong, I don't know. I guess I'm volunteering to be the guinea pig for everyone as I no longer have a choice in the matter!! In the mean time,here are my stats:


200lbs(about 40 lbs overwieght)


Prefer softer cushy beds, but they need to be supportive on my hips, especially for my SI joints. Also, have to be soft enough on my upper back so my body sinks in as I am a side sleeper 95% of the time.


I will post again once I have gotten the bed and let everyone know what my initial impressions of the bed are including the smell, softness, ect...


Once a side note, it's a good thing I didn't open up all the free goodies like pillows, bed rails, bedding, ect.... I got from Tempurpedic or they would have subtracted that from my exchange credit. Just and FYI for those of you considering Tempurpedic. Those free goodies aren't always free if you decide to return the mattress. It's a great bed and so many people have been happy with it, I just can't afford their higher level beds. Definately not bashing Tempurpedic in any way, shape, or form. Wish it had worked for me.


Will update soon.....


Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #98 Jun 16, 2011 6:21 PM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 1
Been lurking for the last couple of weeks.  I found this thread after ordering the icomfort mattress just from simple laying down in the store with my fiance and we both agreed this bed was super comfy.  We also ordered a crate and barrel frame with their bunkie board that hoals the memory foams mattress.  

So they delivered the queen sized mattress first, and I told her sleep on this bed asap as we just paid a lot of money for this thing.  She did and she fell right asleep.  I did as well and wow I knocked out.  We also bought 2 queen size rejuventation pillows and those are amazing.  BTW I am 32, 6'4" 235lbs and she is 30, 4'11" and tiny.  So we are polar opposites in size and both really liked this bed.  So the second night we both realized this was the first time we weren't taking sleeping pills to fall asleep.  My biggest problem with the bed is I have never had a good night sleep and it was easy to work obscene amounts of hours since I didn't want to sleep.  But now that has all changed.  I actually can sleep!!

To address some issues from this thread, the bed did not smell ever.  Also the bed hasn't indented or anything like that yet, especially on my side since I am bigger.  The bed also does not get hot, I know my old neighbors, mid 80's, complained about this with their tempurpedic bed.  Also we only ordered the mattress which came out to be around $1100 with free shipping.  And the 2 pillows were $100 for 2.

I know we are both very happy with the bed.

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #99 Jun 18, 2011 5:31 PM
Location: Los Angeles
Joined: May 2, 2011
Points: 10
I honestly don't believe it was a defective unit. I think because this is such a new item there are inconsistencies in the product. Based on everything I have read on the internet and talking to people, I have found that am not the only person to experience this. If you go back in the forum there are people whose iComfort became exceptionally soft to the point where they were sinking into the bed. Also, on this site and another forum I found several people with the same problem as me, the bed being painfully hard. I had them take away the bed but I refused to have it replaced. I would never go through that again. 
This message was modified Jun 30, 2011 by a moderator
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #100 Jun 20, 2011 8:30 PM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 6
I have an update on the Icomfort Revolution  for everyone as promised. Again, these are just my personal opinions based on my sleeping tastes. Everyone is different and I'm trying to provide as unbiased an opinion as I can to help other people out who are on the mattress hunt.


Sooo.... I got the mattress delivered. I was so afraid it was going to be rock hard, especially after the sales guy told me that there was a break in period and it would be harder initially. The good news is it was just as comfortable as in the show room. I feel bad for people who got this mattress and it was rock hard. Maybe there is a quality issue. All I know is I took a 4 hour nap in the afternoon the day after it was delivered and slept like a rock!! I am a 15+ year insomniac and my latest sleeping pill drug of choice is ambien. Still don't sleep good. This mattress takes away all my SI joint pain. Especially since I am a 95% side sleeper. The first time could of been a fluke since I was really tired, so I slept on it the second night after being rested thinking, okay, now the other shoe is going to drop and I'm going to hate it. Again, popped the sleeping pill and slept all night without waking once.


Enough of that. I'll describe the bed the best I can to try and help others. It's supportive just like tempurpedic with a couple of differences. You don't have that sinking feeling with this mattress as your body heat warms up the foam like you do with tempurpedic. I will also agree with the recent poster that this beds stays very cool!! My last mattress was a Glideaway memory foam mattress that is only three years old. I bought it new and now it has a dip in it and hurts my lower back. The Glideaway in my opinion sleeps fairly similar to a tempurpedic and I am always sweating on that bed, especially in the summer time. Even with central air conditioning set at 70 degrees. (I live in MInneosta) No sweating on the Icomfort bed so far. The Icomfort acts and kinda looks like a innerspring mattress but with the pressure relief of a memory foam, minus the stiff foam and heat.


Don't know how it will hold up over time. It may end up getting a dip in it. I would be happy with 4 great years out of this mattress. The last two days I have had little to no lower or upper back pain. Normally I wake up in the morning with SI joint pain. I haven't had any back pain for two entire days now.


The only thing that scares me is this mattress isn't proven, especially the supposed new design or technology. If it relieves my back pain I don't care what's in it!!


The cover on this mattress is very nice and has an almost 3D fabric stiching in it. It's really wierd, but I can feel the fabric slightly through my sheets and the facric makes the mattress more comforatable for some reason. Maybe it's in my mind.


Final thing, my sister is having a 3 level spinal fusion on friday and has the great joy of a 3 month recovery. She tried my bed the the day they delivered it and loved it. She bought the Icomfort Revolution bed as well and is having it delivered tomorrow. I'll post in the coming weeks and let everyone know what she thinks of it, especially with all the pain she will be in. I'll also let everyone know if the bed starts to get soft. I weight 200lbs, so if that if going to be an issue, I would think I will experience it sooner than some people.


Sorry for the long winded post. Thanks!!

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #101 Jun 22, 2011 9:27 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 1
I researched foam mattresses pretty thoughly before I went with the icomfort King Genius.  I really like the mattress after about a month but have to say that I've never had the sweats so much as I do with the mattress. I tried it without the mattress pad  protector/cover  and still it seems to get me overheated.  I'm in very good physical condition and would probably sleep throuhgh the night if it weren't for the hot spots.  I'm going to call Serta and ask about this maybe it's defective.   I hope it can be remedied as I really like the bed otherwise- comfort, style and craftmanship and of course lkess expensive than the Temperpedic line. 
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #102 Jun 27, 2011 6:22 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 6
Just another update on my experience with my new Icomfort Revolution queen mattress. I have slept on the bed two more nights after my last post and now I am getting uncomfortable lower back pain in my SI joints. I couldn't sleep at all the third night and when I tried to lay down the fourth night it seemed like where I have been sleeping in the center of the bed the foam has softened a little bit and my hips are sinking down more. It may just be my imagination as I have been having lower back pain lately that may or may not be related to the bed. I'm not sure yet, I will have to give it more time. When I lay on the edges of the bed though, it is still supportive and my SI joints stop hurting immediately. I know this is a foam bed and the foam is supposed to break in and be a little softer and as I sleep in the middle of a queen it would make sense that the edges wouldn't break in so maybe that is why the edges are still firm.


The bed is still comfortably cool when I sleep on it being neither too hot or too cool. I still like the 3d raised fabric on the bed as it feels very comforting. On  a side not, I got the lower profile box spring and I don't have a sleigh bed. Kinda wish I would have gotten the high profile as my bed is only sitting on rails and the bed is lower to the ground now then I am used to. Something to think about for those of you considering this bed and wondering which box frame to choose.(The high and low profile frames are both the same price)


Anyway, I will sleep on the bed for another couple days in a row and post my impressions. I have read and heard that a lot of people who switch to a new mattress can experience back pain because their new bed is correcting their alignment from sleeping on a bad or broken down bed. Don't know how true that is but coming from a Glideaway memory foam bed that has a rut in the middle after sleeping on it for 3 years, that could totally be true.


I'll keep everyone posted

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #103 Jun 30, 2011 3:11 PM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481

I'd like to put in a request for anyone to give more feedback on the iComfort beds that you are using, particularly the Revolution.  Reason I ask is I am in a 30 day period using my Stearns and Foster from Sears.  It is a good bed, but there is a little more pressure on my shoulders than I would care for.  It is a Plush.  I'm a side sleeper and I naturally turn from my left to my right shoulder which ain't what it used to be due to an injury and surgery years ago (ok, in 1990).

I've tried the Revolution numerious times in the store and it is certainly more plush than my S&F bed.  It gives less pressure on my shoulder and hips too.  It feels good in the store, but as always, no way to tell without bringing it home.  I could use up my one free exchange and pay the upcharge to get it.  If things didn't go well with the Revolution, I'd lose 15% restocking charge and pickup fee, about $300 I think.

I'd like to hear how your iComfort beds are working out for you, espeically as compared to other brands like Tempurpedic.

I'm currently trying a 2" Sleep Innovations memory foam topper on top of my Plush bed starting tonight, but I don't have high hopes after taking a short nap on it.  anyrate,


Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #104 Jul 2, 2011 2:00 PM
Joined: Jul 2, 2011
Points: 2
We are shopping for good matterss for my husand's back pain.  Right now we are thinking either Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme or Serta I comfort Revolution.

Both these mattresses seem very comfortable.  Somehow salesperson scared us that Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme sleeps warmer.

We are very confused about our decision.  Any feedback is appreciated on these mattresses.



Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #105 Jul 2, 2011 2:19 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
sandy wrote:

We are shopping for good matterss for my husand's back pain.  Right now we are thinking either Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme or Serta I comfort Revolution.

Both these mattresses seem very comfortable.  Somehow salesperson scared us that Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme sleeps warmer.

We are very confused about our decision.  Any feedback is appreciated on these mattresses.



There's a new review of Icomfort posted today. If you use the search box on these terms on this forum, you'll find plenty of discussion of both beds, pros and cons.

Good luck

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