"They make S-Brand Mattresses 'MUCH' better today than 3-4 years ago" - Sales guy just today
Mar 12, 2012 4:09 AM
Joined: Dec 6, 2011
Points: 12
Hi, everyone.

Looking for a 'plan B' to fall back on in case we can't get our Flobed to work, I talked to a sales guy at a store that sells S-brand mattresses today.  Wanted the sales guy's opinion about the 'firmest, built like a tank to last a long time that I can put toppers on' mattress and he actually said (hope you're all sitting down for THIS one):

"Oh, the S-brand mattresses today are built 'MUCH' better than they were 3-4 years ago.  NOW, they're building them to last a LOT longer than that 20-year old mattress you're replacing.  They just don't break down, and you can expect a LOT of service from them".

And then this gem:

"You absolutely don't want to put a topper on the bed - THAT will wear out and you'll replace it.  You want the comfort layers - like the FOAM - INSIDE the bed" (um, yeah.  Sure).

After my side stopped hurting from laughing so hard, I figured I'd come here and ask you guys..

Is this the biggest pile of BS you've heard yet this year?

Or has something 'truly' changed with the S-Brands that we're just not yet aware of?

Now, this company has been pretty good to work with on other occasions and I think they're generally a good bunch of guys.  But I've found the quality of the experience and..sorry..'truthfulness'..DEFINITELY depends on the rep you are talking with..there's some good ones..and some obviously not so good ones.

What do you all think?  Is there some big change toward 'better' mattresses from the S-brands in 2011/2012 models?  And are all the reports of collapsing PU foam, etc just a thing of the past?  Or is this just another "will tell you ANYTHING to make the sale" situation?

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