Took wool topper off for an experiment
Oct 11, 2010 7:28 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
As an experiment, I took of the 1.5" (seems more like 1") wool topper I have to see if I could feel the foam more.  I left on the wool filled mattress pad.

 There was a definite difference.  I could feel the body molding of the memory foam a bit more, but I also felt like I was sinking in more (too much) and it also felt a bit warmer.  I even had a twinge of lower back pain.

At 2am I put the topper back on, and slept better.  A bit deader feel, but firmer and cooler.

I am fairly convinved this is a real phenomenom.  I have done this once or twice before with similiar results.   Possibly because the memory foam does not heat up as much?  Or because the topper pulls tight?  Still can't explain it.

So, adding a wool topper (at least my version) might help those trying to firm up a mattress a bit with the bonus of making it more breathable. 

As a further experiment, I might trying moving it down the stack a couple of inches (below the memory foam and above the latex) to see what that is like.  My guess is that it will be somewhere in between. 

This message was modified Oct 11, 2010 by sandman

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